Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Happy Holidays!

Hello Actors!

I just want to take a minute to say how proud I am of the actors that continue to come and be apart of Actors with Moxie. 2011 was a great year for AWM and it is only going to get better in 2012!!

Keep up to date with all that is going on at

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!


Monday, November 21, 2011

December 12 Producer Panel - Producers!

Here are a few of the Producers/Directors coming to the Workshop:

*Tiffany Romeo with Plattform Advertising

*Michelle Daughterty with Hallmark Cards

*Caleb Brattrud with Plattform Advertising

*Stewart Redwine – Freelance

*Steve Zeoli with Producer's Direct

*Pamela Liebbert with Syndicate Studios

*Val Anderson with Outpost Worldwide 

Still working on a few more!!!!

To sign up email Stacey at

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


This is your chance to find out straight from the source what it takes to book the job and what is expected of you as an actor when you are on set.

Actors with Moxie presents:
Ask a Producer: What every actor should know…

December 12, 2011
*Various local Producers will be in attendance*
(A list will be provided closer to workshop)

WHEN: Monday, December 12, 2011 6:30pm-9pm

WHERE: Outpost Worldwide 
1919 Baltimore Ave, Kansas City, MO 64108
Cost: $30

The workshop will be a guided Q & A with working producers in the Kansas City market. You will have an opportunity to find out from the source what to do to book the job, keep the job and continue to work in this market. The producers will each give their opinions on what they like in an actor, how to book the job and what they require on set.

This opportunity is priceless and will not be offered often.

Sign up to reserve your spot in the discussion!

Class size will be limited.
For questions and to enroll please contact:     
Stacey Siegert 

Friday, November 4, 2011

Tuesday, November 1, 2011


Did everyone have a good one???

I was at the Chiefs game and celebrated a win!!!


Thank you Megan Hovde Wilkins!

AWM would like to extend a big thanks to Megan for conducting her workshop this past Saturday at the Fishtank Performance Studio.

She will be back in the Spring with more to offer! Check out http://www.actorswithmoxiecom/ for more details!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

TRYPS - Kids workshop this Friday!

Megan Hovde Wilkins and Stacey Siegert will be teaching 2 workshops in Columbia, MO at TRYPS this Friday Oct 28th from 10am-5pm.

Check out for more info

This Saturday Oct 29th! Chicago Actor in town!

Megan is in town this Saturday to teach an afternoon of workshops in Improvisation...

Email for more information.

Megan Hovde Wilkins is a professional actor and improviser in Chicago, and has been performing and teaching improvisation for 10 years.   She was in the Second City National Touring Company, performing improv and sketch comedy all over the world.   She was a member of the Main Stage at the Second City Novi (Detroit) where she wrote and performed in Michigan Impossible: All Laid Off And Nowhere To Go, before which, and after which, she took to the seas to be in The Best of Second City on Norwegian Cruise Lines.  Most recently she performed in The Second City Does Baltimore at Baltimore's Centerstage Theater, and wrote and performed in Chicago in 2 lady sketch show, Faux Real .   In addition she can be seen at the IO Theater (Improv Olympic), the Annoyance Theater and has performed at improv festivals all over the country- with improv teams American Dream and KOKO , among others .   Offstage, she is a teacher in the Conservatory and Beginning Program at the Second City Training Center, and has taught many workshops along the way. 

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Only 2 weeks away! 2nd City Actor Megan Hovde Wilkins will be in town!


Actors with Moxie presents:
Professional series workshops
Improvisation for Intermediate & Advanced Actors
October 29, 2011 with Megan Hovde Wilkins from the Second City in Chicago

WHEN: Saturday, October 29th, 2011  1pm-3:30 or 4pm-6
WHERE: The Fish tank 1715 Wyandotte, in the Crossroads, Kansas City, MO 64108
COST: $40

Intermediate Improv for Actors 2 hours 4-6pm $40
For the day player.  Had a little improv in your life? Want some more?  We will build on concepts and hone skills in this course.  Doing is the best path towards learning, so we will do.  In this session we will focus on character work- developing and maintaining interesting choices and creating sustaining believable characters.  Solid character work is one of the most important elements of both long and short form improv.

Impressionism Advanced Improv for Actors 3.5 hours 1-3:30pm $45
What impression do you make as an improviser?  We will run a course of exercises, after which I will meet with everyone and explain what I see and notice when watching you improvise.  As a part of the conservatory faculty at Second City- I evaluate many, many improv auditions, and I can tell you what I would think if I saw you audition, or if I saw you in a show.  I will be honest in my assessment, from the perspective of a director, teacher and fellow improviser.    We will then do some more improvising, letting you digest and apply any thoughts or challenges I may have for you.  Sometimes an outside eye can inspire you in a new way, let’s see…

*Experience level: Must feel comfortable improvising. 

**Space is limited**

Please see the attached Registration Form and please mail in with a money order or check. Please make sure the check is made out Actors with Moxie You may bring cash to workshop but we need a reg form to hold your place in the workshop.

For questions and to enroll please contact:     
Stacey Siegert or
Megan Hovde Wilkins

Megan Hovde Wilkins is a professional actor and improviser in Chicago, and has been performing and teaching improvisation for 10 years.   She was in the Second City National Touring Company, performing improv and sketch comedy all over the world.   She was a member of the Main Stage at the Second City Novi (Detroit) where she wrote and performed in Michigan Impossible: All Laid Off And Nowhere To Go, before which, and after which, she took to the seas to be in The Best of Second City on Norwegian Cruise Lines.  Most recently she performed in The Second City Does Baltimore at Baltimore's Centerstage Theater, and wrote and performed in Chicago in 2 lady sketch show, Faux Real .   In addition she can be seen at the IO Theater (Improv Olympic), the Annoyance Theater and has performed at improv festivals all over the country- with improv teams American Dream and KOKO , among others .   Offstage, she is a teacher in the Conservatory and Beginning Program at the Second City Training Center, and has taught many workshops along the way. 

Thank you!

Actors with Moxie would like to extend a big thank you to Karen Wight-Greenberg for coming to KC from NYC and teaching her Move It! Improvisation workshop last Saturday at The Fishtank Studio.

It was a great workshop!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Tonight! Come play with us!

Join Ed Doris tonight in our Ongoing Imprvisation Classes...

7-9pm at The Westport Flea Market at 817 Westport Rd in the Comedy City space.

Cost is $35

What else you gonna do on a Monday night?


Tuesday, October 4, 2011

NYC Teacher coming to KC to teach 1 day workshop 10/16/11

Let me know if you can attend this unique workshop!  Spaces are filling up fast!!

Actors with Moxie Presents:
Move it! Yes, I mean you. (Physical Improv class)
October 16, 2011 with Karen Eleanor Wight from New York City

WHEN: Sunday, October 16th, 2011 9am-12pm
WHERE: The Fishtank 1715 Wyandotte, in the Crossroads, Kansas City, MO 64108
COST: $50

Move it! Yes, I mean you. (Physical Improv class)
This class incorporates elements of clowning, mime, and environmental work and applies them to improv scene work. By freeing up the body, the student will discover new characters, different approaches to creating a relationship onstage, and tools to add variety to their scene work. During the class, the student will be given the opportunity to do both solo and duo work as well as participate in side coaching using some of the learned techniques. The class will begin with a group stretch, followed by exercises, and solo/scene work-- please wear comfortable clothes and shoes and be prepared to move!

Max. Participants: 15

Karen Eleanor Wight is a NYC-based actress, dancer, improviser, and teacher. She most recently co-starred in the Off-Broadway production of "The Screwtape Letters", a two-person play in which she created and performed the role of a demon-creature, Toadpipe, as well as 7 additional characters all portrayed using physical transformation. Karen also performed "The Screwtape Letters" at the Lansburgh Theatre in DC and on tour to cities including San Francisco, Louisville, Phoenix, Austin, and Houston.  Karen has been improvising for 17 years and is one-half of the wordless improv duo Imp with Asaf Ronen--think Chaplin meets Looney Tunes.   Imp performs long-form improv at festivals around the country including the Mainstage at CIF and the Del Close Marathon.  Imp has headlined at the Seattle Festival of Improv Theatre ('05, '06, '07, & '08), Austin's OOB Fest, Oberlin Improv Conference, San Francisco Improv Festival (Shaun Landry, Artistic Director), Providence Improv Fest, Miami Improv Fest, and Second City in LA (Dave Razowsky, Artistic Director) and many others.  Karen is also a founding member of goga and The Greenstone Players.  In addition to performing, Karen teaches improv at festivals nationally and internationally including Seattle, Toronto, New Zealand, Austin, Baltimore, Providence, Oberlin, Miami, and Los Angeles. For clowning and corporel mime, she has studied with Christopher Bayes (of Julliard, Kennedy Center, and NYU) and Christopher Eaves (student of Marcel Marceau) respectively.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A few words from Ed Doris about the Ongoing Improv Classes...

From Ed Doris, the teacher for AWM's Ongoing Improvisation Classes...

Improvisational theater is in an interesting place in Kansas City. The scene and community is growing and there is more collaboration than ever before. Established Improv troupes are still running and reinventing themselves all the time. The Kansas City Improv festival was a great success. There were sell out shows and some of the best performances yet. I can’t remember a time when so much was happening with improvisational theater in this town. It’s a great feeling to see what is going on in this town.

Improvisational theater has a long, global history (Comedia Del'arte) and yet it is associated with some of the worst aspects of pop culture. When most people think of improv, Who's Line Is It Anyway? is the first thing to come to mind; if not a group of people in a still shot displaying jazz hands and wearing some "puny" t-shirts in enough colors they make a bag of Skittles seem bigoted. Despite what is commonly associated with improvisational acting, it is a skill that is desired in more and more actors. With the advent of Long form improvisation (Del Close, Improv Olympic) and the development of improvisational acting techniques for scripted theater (Ann Bogart, Steppenwolf theater, SITI Theater), improvisational training is a necessary part of an actors resume. Unfortunately there is no bag of tricks, or an equation to memorize, that will guarantee success. Improvisation is a skill. It can be learned but, like any craft, it must be honed. The only way to do that is to participate in it.
As an improvisational actor since 1996 I have had the good fortune to find a craft that I love. In that time I have been able to work with some of Chicago's and LA's top directors and improvisational actors. The classes that I have put together are designed to provide a foundation for actors with any level of experience with improvisational theater. Using several of the main theories of improvisation, I have focused on trying to integrate what I have learned into a cohesive body of knowledge. The result is this series of workshops. I do not want you to experience glorified charades, seemingly unrelated physical activities or short form games that leave the participants wondering why they are wasting their time. Rather I want you to recognize the tools available to you, tools we all have, and understand how to develop them.  One of the most important things that I have learned is how invaluable experience is. This is why at the conclusion of each month’s workshops the opportunity to perform is available. You can’t learn to improvise with out actually improvising. You have to risk failure and engage the craft to find success in it. In this way, and in many other ways, improv is a lot like life.
I wouldn't do this if I didn't love it. There aren’t many things better than sharing improv with an audience. I am even more excited to share my experience with performers. I look forward to seeing you at a workshop.

Ed Doris

Friday, September 23, 2011

Teleprompter Workshop 9/25 1-4pm

We have a few spaces left for our Acting with a Teleprompter workshop this Sunday.

Contact to sign up!

There will not be another one till the Spring!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Just Announced...Workshop in Columbia, MO

Stacey Siegert & Megan Hovde Wilkins...

We will be teaching a day of Improvisation & Acting for the Camera

10.28.11 from 9am-4pm at

TRYPS Children's Theater in Columbia, MO

for details check out

Thursday, September 15, 2011

IFC Discounts!

If you are an IFC member you get $15 off a workshop/class at Actors with Moxie!

Please attach a copy of your IFC Membership Card to your reg form when signing up.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

KC Improvisation Festival - 2nd Weekend

Just a heads up...
The KC Improv festival's 2nd weekend is this weekend Sept 17 & 18.
The workshops being held are:

Playing The Game of The Scene & The Scene of The Game (10:00am - 12:30pm: Intermediate & Advanced)

Joe Bill: In this workshop we'll bring to light the deeper scenic opportunity for character development and connection while playing the game dialogue of the scene. What's THAT mean? It's tending to your scenic chops as you tend to your game chops. It means it's not that you play the game, it's how your character plays it. Come, wear it like a veil, with power.

Bold Beginnings (10:00am - 12:30pm: All levels)

Mark Sutton: This workshop will give you tools to begin your scenes with power and decisiveness. You will practice being able to identify the magic of your creations and playing it, being proactive and trusting your instincts. You will leave with a stronger presence and great confidence in your own choices.

Acting for Improvisors (10:00am - 12:30pm: All levels)

Stephen Ruddy This workshop is a crash course in stagecraft and acting technique for the improvisor. It also develops the essential acting and improv skill of being "in the moment". We will apply these skills to grounded, fun, improv scenework, using the Gravid Water techniques. This class will benefit anyone looking to become a more dynamic, confident, powerful performer on stage. Also, it is fun.


Check out for more info!



Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Date change!

The Ongoing Improvisation session has been changed to start Monday Sept 19th. Check out a previous post for info...

Sign up!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Never Forget...

Yesterday was the 10 year Anniversary of 9/11...

I lived in NYC on that horrific day.

I know I will never forget.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New website!

Check out our new website at:

Second City Improvisation Workshop - 10/29 - taught by Megan Hovde Wilkins


Actors with Moxie presents:
Professional series workshops
Improvisation for Intermediate & Advanced Actors
October 29, 2011 with Megan Hovde Wilkins from the Second City in Chicago

WHEN: Saturday, October 29th, 2011  1pm-3:30 or 4pm-6
WHERE: The Fish tank 1715 Wyandotte, in the Crossroads, Kansas City, MO 64108
COST: $40 or $45

Intermediate Improv for Actors 2 hours 4-6pm $40
For the day player.  Had a little improv in your life? Want some more?  We will build on concepts and hone skills in this course.  Doing is the best path towards learning, so we will do.  In this session we will focus on character work- developing and maintaining interesting choices and creating sustaining believable characters.  Solid character work is one of the most important elements of both long and short form improv.

Impressionism Advanced Improv for Actors 3.5 hours 1-3:30pm $45
What impression do you make as an improviser?  We will run a course of exercises, after which I will meet with everyone and explain what I see and notice when watching you improvise.  As a part of the conservatory faculty at Second City- I evaluate many, many improv auditions, and I can tell you what I would think if I saw you audition, or if I saw you in a show.  I will be honest in my assessment, from the perspective of a director, teacher and fellow improviser.    We will then do some more improvising, letting you digest and apply any thoughts or challenges I may have for you.  Sometimes an outside eye can inspire you in a new way, let’s see…

*Experience level: Must feel comfortable improvising. 

**Space is limited**

For questions and to enroll please contact:     
Stacey Siegert or Megan Hovde Wilkins

Megan Hovde Wilkins is a professional actor and improviser in Chicago, and has been performing and teaching improvisation for 10 years.   She was in the Second City National Touring Company, performing improv and sketch comedy all over the world.   She was a member of the Main Stage at the Second City Novi (Detroit) where she wrote and performed in Michigan Impossible: All Laid Off And Nowhere To Go, before which, and after which, she took to the seas to be in The Best of Second City on Norwegian Cruise Lines.  Most recently she performed in The Second City Does Baltimore at Baltimore's Centerstage Theater, and wrote and performed in Chicago in 2 lady sketch show, Faux Real .   In addition she can be seen at the IO Theater (Improv Olympic), the Annoyance Theater and has performed at improv festivals all over the country- with improv teams American Dream and KOKO , among others .   Offstage, she is a teacher in the Conservatory and Beginning Program at the Second City Training Center, and has taught many workshops along the way. 

KC Improv Festival!


I just wanted to pass along that I was asked to teach a Business of Acting workshop at the 2011 Kansas City Improvisation Festival.

My workshop will be from 1-3:30pm on Saturday September 10th at The Living Room. There will be alot of other workshops being held that same weekend and the following one. You should check them out!

Just thought I would pass this along!

Come join the fun...there will also be performances by local Improvisation teams with Jason Sedakis as a special guest!

To enroll go to their website, I will not be signing anyone up myself.



Move It! Yes, I Mean You : Improvisation Workshop - 10/16 - taught by NYC Actor Karen Eleanor Wight

Let me know if you want to attend this workshop! 


Professional series workshops:
Move it! Yes, I mean you. (Physical Improv class)
October 16, 2011 with Karen Eleanor Wight from New York City

WHEN: Sunday, October 16th, 2011 9am-12pm
WHERE: The Fishtank 1715 Wyandotte, in the Crossroads, Kansas City, MO 64108
COST: $50
Move it! Yes, I mean you. (Physical Improv class)
This class incorporates elements of clowning, mime, and environmental work and applies them to improv scene work. By freeing up the body, the student will discover new characters, different approaches to creating a relationship onstage, and tools to add variety to their scene work. During the class, the student will be given the opportunity to do both solo and duo work as well as participate in side coaching using some of the learned techniques. The class will begin with a group stretch, followed by exercises, and solo/scene work-- please wear comfortable clothes and shoes and be prepared to move!
Max. Participants: 15 

For questions and to enroll please contact: Stacey Siegert

Karen Eleanor Wight is a NYC-based actress, dancer, improviser, and teacher. She most recently co-starred in the Off-Broadway production of "The Screwtape Letters", a two-person play in which she created and performed the role of a demon-creature, Toadpipe, as well as 7 additional characters all portrayed using physical transformation. Karen also performed "The Screwtape Letters" at the Lansburgh Theatre in DC and on tour to cities including San Francisco, Louisville, Phoenix, Austin, and Houston.  Karen has been improvising for 17 years and is one-half of the wordless improv duo Imp with Asaf Ronen--think Chaplin meets Looney Tunes.   Imp performs long-form improv at festivals around the country including the Mainstage at CIF and the Del Close Marathon.  Imp has headlined at the Seattle Festival of Improv Theatre ('05, '06, '07, & '08), Austin's OOB Fest, Oberlin Improv Conference, San Francisco Improv Festival (Shaun Landry, Artistic Director), Providence Improv Fest, Miami Improv Fest, and Second City in LA (Dave Razowsky, Artistic Director) and many others.  Karen is also a founding member of goga and The Greenstone Players.  In addition to performing, Karen teaches improv at festivals nationally and internationally including Seattle, Toronto, New Zealand, Austin, Baltimore, Providence, Oberlin, Miami, and Los Angeles. For clowning and corporel mime, she has studied with Christopher Bayes (of Julliard, Kennedy Center, and NYU) and Christopher Eaves (student of Marcel Marceau) respectively.

Teleprompter Workshop 9/18 1-4pm

Have you always wanted a chance to use one before the actual job?
Do you have experience on a prompter but would love a chance to work on one without it being on a job?
Do you need more playback on your work?

This is your chance!

Actors with Moxie presents:
How an Actor uses a Teleprompter, a professional series workshop: 
Sept 18, 2011, Kansas City.

Stacey Siegert, Exposure Model & Talent Inc.
Stephane Suetoes-Scupham, COO at Corkscrew Agency and TV Personality
Val Anderson, Managing Producer at Outpost Worldwide

WHEN: Sunday, Sept 18,  2011 1pm-4pm
WHERE: Outpost Worldwide Studio    7833 Barton Lenexa, KS 66215

COST: $100

The Beginner/intermediate class will be aimed towards actors that have had some to no experience with a prompter. The class will cover the basic skills needed to use a prompter, the ABC’s of acting with a Teleprompter and actors will get the chance to work on Commercial copy as well as Non Broadcast Spokesperson copy. The actors will also receive playback time to review their work.

This workshop is a must for any actor working in the Kansas City market if not major markets!

Class size will be limited.
For questions and to enroll please contact:     
Stacey Siegert

Stacey Siegert is the owner and creator of Actor’s with Moxie. She has worked in the Entertainment business for over 13 years. She retains a degree in Theatre & Film and has worked in almost every arena: as a Broadcast Agent for Exposure Model & Talent in Kansas City, as a manager for Wilhelmina Models in NYC, as a casting assistant for Law & Order: SVU, as a business consultant to actors at TVI Actor’s Studio and has also been an actor and lived in NYC. Stacey has taught multiple workshops at local high schools and local colleges in Kansas City, well as in New York City at the Actor’s Connection. She is also an adjunct professor at JCCC, and teaches a class which covers the Business of Acting and On Camera Audition Technique.

Stephane Suetos- Scupham has been working in film, television and video for 15 years. She first attended Bradley University for Voice and Theatre and graduated from University of Kansas in Film Studies. She didn't go far from home when she created her own television show in Lawrence, Kansas called Guided by Flavor. It was during that time that she worked behind camera as producer, director, and editor. For other shows and commercials, she operated live teleprompter, live audio mixing, and camera operating as well as performances in front of the camera and in the sound booth. Knowing both sides of production as well as being a former talent agent gives her a thorough perspective on the industry. Steph has performed in commercials and videos across the country. She most recently co-hosted, Uniquely Kansas City, a PBS series with Randy Mason on KCPT and continues to co-host pledge nights for the station. Currently, Steph has her own creative workshop company, Corkscrew Agency, LLC.

Val Anderson With a degree in Journalism - Radio and TV from Kansas State University, Val has been producing and shooting video for the past fifteen years. She has produced a variety of projects including documentaries, commercials, educational programs, and music videos. Recently Val produced No Shortcuts, The Entrepreneurial Life of Henry Bloch, a documentary spearheaded by the Henry W. Bloch School of Management at the University of Missouri-Kansas City. She also served as post-production coordinator for two WWII documentaries; Let Freedom Ring...The Lesson is Priceless and Let Freedom Ring...Memories of France, both of which are currently airing in 89 markets across the country on PBS. Val has been with Outpost for 4 and half years and previously worked at Opus Communications and Paddock Productions.

Ongoing Improvisation Classes- Ed Doris


Professional series workshops:
Ongoing Improvisation Classes
Starts Monday’s Sept 19 – Nov. 28th, 2011 with Ed Doris from The Trip Fives in KC

WHEN: Monday’s from 7-9pm for 12 weeks from Sept 19-Dec. 5 
COST: $35 a la carte classes
            $100 for 1 Basics class* and 3 Viewpoints classes
             $250 for 1 Basics class* and all 9 Viewpoints classes + end of the class show

*The Basics class is a requirement for all other classes. During this class you will get the basic knowledge of Improvisation and learn how to apply the 9 Viewpoints.
This class is offered Sept 19, Oct 17 & Nov 14

The other classes cover the 9 Viewpoints

For questions and to enroll please contact:     
Stacey Siegert or

Ed Doris has been an improvisational actor for fifteen years. First, as a ensemble member of Lighten Up Improvisation company where he co-directed their High School Improv League. During his time there he studied under local improv master teacher and Lighten Up founder Trish Berrong.  He has performed in an ensemble directed by MIck Napier, author, founder and Artistic Director of The Annoyance and award winner Director of over 15 Second City reviews including their 50th anniversary show, studied with stage legend Del Close, founder of long form improv and the man who trained Bill Murray, Gilda Radner to Chris Farley and Tim Meadows. Ed is founder and Artistic Director of The Trip Fives. This group produces Improv Thunderdome, a competitive improvisational tournament and Bare TV, an improvised talk show. Most recently, Ed has studied with former artistic director of The Second City training center and master improvisation teacher David Razowsky. It was here that Ed became introduced to the Viewpoints theory of acting adapted by Ann Bogart and Tina Landau for stage. It is the Viewpoints theory that informs the bulk of his workshops while offering a survey of the schools of thought that govern The Annoyance and Improv Olympic, two of the most renowned Improvisational theaters in the world. Ed's experience has taught him to embrace the moment, be aware of his partners on stage, to agree and accept change with the whole body and find the emotional truth of the scene. All concepts that are the foundation of his teaching style.